About the Department :
a) Year of Establishment : 1917
b) Courses offered : All games and sports recognised by
c) Admission Procedure : Teams in various sports / games are
selected from the students who are admitted in the college for various courses.
d) Affiliated to : Acharya Nagarjuna University
e) Built up Area : Gunta Ground about 9 acres, Wolf
Hall Grounds &ndash ½ acre, Heyer Hall Grounds about ½ acre and Strock Hall Grounds about 1000 yards.
2. Objectives / goals of the Department :
a) By giving best counselling / training regularly to have complete physical
b) To participate in the University level ./ National Level / State Level Sports
/ Games
c) Overall personality development.
d) To acquire better jobs on his / her sports talent.
e) To become best citizen of the society.
3. About the faculty :
S.No |
Name of the Faculty |
Educational Qualifications |
Subject / Specialization |
Experience |
Refresher Courses Completed |
1 |
Mr.J. Prabhakara Rao |
B.Com, M.P.Ed |
Volley Ball, Ball Badminton, Kabaddi |
32 |
-4 |
2 |
Dr.M.K. Vijaya Lakshmi |
B.Com, M.P.Ed., Ph.D |
Kho-Kho, Net Ball |
32 |
4 |
3 |
Dr.N. Ravi Kumar |
M.A., M.P.Ed., NJS, Ph.D. |
Volley Ball, Kabaddi |
32 |
4 |
4 |
Dr.G.A. Preetham Prakash |
M.A., M.P.Ed., Ph.D |
Basket Ball, Hand Ball |
18 |
1 |
Sports Activities of the Department :
1. Students sports activity or training programme :
b) Athletics Boys & Girls training at B.R.Stadium & N.T.R.Stadium by NIS Coaches , Mr.Subba Rao, Mrs.Rama Sundari & Mr. Rama Krishna
c) Volley Ball & Ball Badminton training for girls
Faculty Individual Profile
1. Mr.J. Prabhakara Rao
Joined in the Department in 23-2- 1983.
Refresher Courses attended:
Santh Gadge Baba Amravathi Univrsity, Amravathi, Maharashtra State
LNIPE, Gwalior, MP State
Ranchi University, Ranchi, Utharakhand State
LNIPE, Gwalior, MP State
Seminars Attended:
Seminar on &ldquoHuman rights Education&rdquo organised by Andhra
Christian College, Guntur
Seminar on &ldquoFitness and Wellness&rdquo organised by KVR & KVR & MKR College, Khajipalem
Seminar on &ldquoNurturing World Class Sports persons-roles, strategies and responsibilities on 16th and 17th of October 2015.
As selection Committee Member:
ANUIC Ball Badminton Tournament held at DBR College, Repalle
ANUIC Foot Ball Tournament held at BG College, Sattenapalli
Acted as Team Manager for ANU Hockey (Men) team at All India Inter University Hockey Tournament held at SKD University in 2014.
Organised ANUIC Hockey Tournament at A.C.College in 2013-14
2. Dr.M.K. Vijaya Lakshmi
Joined in the Department on 23-2-1983. She submitted her thesis &ldquo Self concept and achievement motivation of sports girls among secondary schools in Guntur District &rdquo to ANU for doctoral degree, and was awarded in 2010.
a) She was appointed as University Observer to select ANU Women Kabaddi
Team to participate in the Inter University Competitions on _31-10-2013 and 1-11-2013_______ at MVGRR Degree College, Bhattiprolu.
b) She was appointed as Subject Expert for the C.A.S. interview at MVGRR Degree College, Battiprolu on 21st December 2013.
c) She acted as Tester for PECET Tests from 2007 to 2014 at
Acharya Nagarjuna University campus at the time of PEECET
d) She was nominated as member of Selection Committee for ANU Women
Volley Ball Tournament held at JMJ College Tenali on 8th & 9th September 2014.
e) She was the member of Acharya Nagarjna University Affiliated Colleges
Lecturers Association in Physical Education.
f) Member, Grievance Cell in the A.C.College.
g) Participated in the lecture given by Mr.Tirupal, Superintendent of Police,
Guntur on 07-02-2015 at A.C.College, conducted by Anti Ragging Cell.
h) Convener for Athletic Prizes for 129th & 130th College Anniversaries and
also Co-convener for Athletic Prizes for 126th, 127th, 128th College Anniversaries.
i) She acted as Organising Secretary for A.N.U. Inter Collegiate Women Ball
Badminton Tournament held on 29th & 30th January 2015.
j) She was nominated as member of selection committee for ANU Chess men and women tournament held at Chalapathi Pharmacy College, Lam held on 14th to 16th September 2015.
k) Convener for the National Seminar on &ldquoNurturing World Class Sports
persons- roles, strategies and responsibilities on 16th and 17th of October
2015 held in the college campus.
l) Acted as subject expert for UGC-CAS interviews held RJDCE, Guntur on
8th of June 2017
Seminars attended :
UGC sponsored National Seminar on LIBERATE WOMEN FROM ATROCITIES-EMPOWER THEM organised by St Joseph&rsquos College of Education for Women, Guntur on 23rd and 24th of March, 2017
UGC Sponsored National Seminar on HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION organised by A.C.College, Guntur on 9th and 10th of Dec, 2011
Association of Indian Universities and ANU sponsored National seminar on PROMOTING EXCELLENCE IN SPORTS THROUGH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University on 21st March 2015
UN information centre for India and Bhutan organised by A.C.College, Guntur on 8th of March, 2017
Workshop on ATHLETICS CLINIC organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University on 3rd and 4th of Dec, 2004
UGC sponsored National seminar on TEACHERS ROLE IN QUALITY EDUCATION organised by A.L.College of Education on 15th ,16th of April 2015
UGC sponsored National seminar on RECENT TRENDS IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND FUTURE PROSPECT organised by A C College, Guntur on 10th and 11th of Dec, 2014
&ldquo Fitness & Wellness &rdquo organised by KVR & KVR M.K.R.College, Khajipalem on 5th & 6th December 2014.
&ldquo Promoting Excellence in Sports through University System &rdquo organised by Acharya Nagarjuna University on 21st March 2015.
&ldquo Teachers Role in Quality Enhancement &rdquo organised by Andhra Lutheran College of Education from 15th to 17th April 2015.
Participated in the National Conference organised by Dhanya Educational & Environmental Society (DEEDS) and &lsquoYes We Can&rdquo organisation in collaboration with UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan at A.C.College, Guntur on 8th of March 2017
Papers published :
Effects of interval and continuous training on cardio respiratory endurance among under graduate students. International Journal of Law, Education,social and sports studies http://www.ijless.kypublications.com vol.1supple issue 2 Dec,2014, page 23-25 avlble online , ISSN 2394-9724
Effect of playing hockey on selected physiological variables of degree college boys in Guntur district . International Journal of Law, Education, social and sports studies http://www.ijless.kypublications.com vol.2 issue 2 April-June,2015, page 87-90 avlble online , ISSN2394-9724
Effects of submaxial and maximal intensities of bicycle training on selected motor ability components and physiological variables among college men. http://www.ijless.kypublications.com Proceedings UGC sponsored seminar held at KVR,KVR &MKR College, Khajipalem on 6th and 7th of Dec 2014, ISSN2394-9724
Sports Infrastructure, career opportunities and incentives of sports in India. Int Journal of Law, Education http://www.ijless.kypublications.com vol.2supple issue 3,2015, page 18-23, ISSN2394-9724
5. International seminar on CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/Research
paper submitted on Evaluation of CSR Expenditure in India/organized by ANU
on 10th to 12th 2017 , ISBN 978-93-85518-08-9 .
Extra Curricular and Co-curricular Activities of Department Faculty
a) Boxing : Speaker, Mr.Venugopal, Secretary, Boxing Association.
Date : 9-9-2014
Venue : A.C.College Campus
Friendly Match &ndash Men Volley Ball with T.J.P.S.College, Guntur
Date : 18-09-2014
Venue : A.C.College Campus
3. Mr.N. Ravi Kumar
Joined in the Department in 1983. He submitted his thesis on &ldquo Analysis of
selected Psychological skills and personality trails among participants in different sports domain&rdquo to Acharya Nagarjuna University in December 2014, for Doctoral degree. Degree awarded in 2015.
Seminars attended :
a) International Conference on Recent Trends in Fitness, Health and Sports
25th Pan Asian Conference of Sports & Physical Education &ndash 2014,
Osmania University, Telangana, India from 8th to 10th August 2014,
organised by Indian federation of Computer Sciences in Sports Pan-Asian
Society of Sports & Physical Education.
c) U.G.C National Seminar on &ldquo Yoga Physical Education in Modern Life &rdquo
organised by C.H.C Athletic Association , B.H.U, Varanasi. Presented a paper entitled &ldquo Analysis of selected physical skills of Male and Female participants in different sports domains&rdquo on 7th & 8th November 2014.
Papers published in International Journals :
a) Published the Paper entitled &ldquo International Federation for Fitness, Health,
Physical Education and Games &rdquo in International Journal ( ISBN : 2349 &ndash 722 X ) during July 2014 to December 2014.
b) Published the Paper entitled &ldquo International Journal of Health, Physical
Education and Computer Sciences in Sports &rdquo in International Journal ( ISBN : 2331 &ndash 3265 ( online & Print ) ) during July 2014 to September 2014.
4. Dr.G.A. Preetham Prakash
Joined in the Department in 1996. He submitted his Thesis entitled &ldquo Co-
Curricular Activities &ndash Attitude and Participation of Secondary School Students &rdquo to Acharya Nagarjuna University for Doctoral Degree and was awarded in 2008.
UGC National Seminars Attended :
a) 21st National Conference on Sports Psychology , organised by Acharya
Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P. from 07-02-2011 to 09-02-2011.
b) National Seminar on &ldquo Prevention of Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation &rdquo
organised by Andhra University from 09-06-2011 to 10-06-2011.
c) &ldquo Human Rights Rehabilitation&rdquo, organised by Andhra Christian College,
Guntur from 09-12-2011 to 10-12-2011.
d) &ldquo Recent Trends in Mathematical Sciences and Future Prospect&rdquo, organised
by Andhra Christian College, Guntur from 10-12-2014 to 11-12-2014.
e) National Seminar at A C College
Workshops Attended :
a) &ldquo Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences &rdquo- ICSSR-SRC,
Hyderabad , organised by Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa from 13-02-2012 to 18-02-2012.
b) &ldquo Workshop on Andhra Pradesh Sports Policy&rdquo, organised by Acharya
Nagarjuna University, Guntur on 20-02-2015.
c) one week workshop at VSR & NVR college , Tenali .
d) two day workshop at ANU .
e) one day workshop at KBN College Vijayawada .
Refresher Courses Attended :
Title &ldquo Human Rights&rdquo, organised by Andhra University from 10-03-2011 to
Nominated as Team Manager of ANU Womens Basket Ball Team for the
Tournament held at Dr.N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada from 21-12-2013 to 24-12-2013 and for the Tournament held at Hindustan University, Chennai from 04-11-2014 to 09-11-2014.
Nominated as Member of Selection Committee for ANU Men & Women Basket Ball team :
a) Women Tournament held at J.K.C.College, Guntur from 23-09-2011 to
b) Men Tournament held at J.K.C.College, Guntur from 19-12-2011 to
c) Men Tournament held at J.K.C.College, Guntur from 28-11-2013 to
d) Women Tournament held at T.R.R. Govt. Degree College, Kandukuru
from 25-10-2014 to 26-10-2014.
e) Men Tournament held at T.R.R. Govt. Degree College, Kandukuru from
18-12-2014 to 19-12-2014.
Member of
Red Ribbon club
Selection Committee &ndash ANU Sports &ndash Hand Ball Men.
Selection Committee &ndash ANU Sports &ndash Basket Ball Men.
Selection Committee &ndash ANU Sports &ndash Basket Ball Women.
Tester &ndash AP PECET.
Extra Curricular and Co-curricular Activities of Department Faculty
a) Boxing : Speaker, Mr.Venugopal, Secretary, Boxing Association
Date : 9-9-2014
Venue : A.C.College Campus
b) Friendly Match &ndash Women Kabaddi with Govt. Degree College for Women, Guntur
Date : 18-09-2014
Venue : A.C.College Campus
d) Friendly Match &ndash Women Ball Badminton with Govt. Degree College for
Women, Guntur
Date : 12-12-2013
Venue : Govt. Degree College for Women, Guntur
e) Clean Guntur - Green Guntur - 10 K.M Walk started from N.T.R.Stadium. Our college students also participated and won cash prizes
I Prize - I Aparna, III B.A ( Rs.3,000/- cash )
II Prize - K. Raju, I B.A ( Rs.1,000/- cash )
f) Health and Sports Awareness Programme:
Resource Person - Dr.M.K. Vijaya Lakshmi
Topic - Health and Sports Awareness Programme
Venue - Govt. Degree College for Women, Guntur
Date - 11-08-2013
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