Andhra Christian College, Guntur was founded with the mission to provide the youth of the country in general,and of Guntur and the surrounding districts in particular, the high quality education with Christian values.The vision of the institution is to provide holistic and quality education and to inculcate Christian values, empowering them with good character and a strong personality , to foster a spirit of service and patriotism, to instil an abiding sense of respect towards the sacredness of the human personality , to promote gender equality, to motivate and inspire academic excellence, to provide career guidance and counselling and training in skills employing a proper blend of conventional methods of teaching and E-Learning , pre-requisite for employability both in the public and private sectors. The vision of the institution was to train men and women to inculcate a spirit of service for the best interest of their fellows and their country. The vision and mission of the institution is made evident in the motto, the emblem and the statue.
“…Ye Shall Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32
(Knowledge of the Truth liberates humanity from the bondage of ignorance.)
" The lotus flower with a candle in its centre ".
The lotus that germinates out of mud stands tall atop the surface of water in the pond signifying truthfulness, simplicity and chastity, while the candle symbolizes dissemination of knowledge and dispelling ignorance..
“St. George and the dragon” is an allegorical expression of triumph of Truth over falsehood and of Knowledge over ignorance.
Objectives of the Institution:
To provide for the youth of the country in general and of Guntur and other districts in Andhra Pradesh in particular, the high quality of education.
To implant in the students, those truths that can raise men and women to a purer and nobler life, for building up of character apart from academic training.
To instil in the minds of the students, the spirit of service and the ideals of life that will lead them to dedicate their lives and talents to the best interests of their fellowmen.
To strive for the cause of women empowerment by providing equal opportunities to women through co-educational system.
To train the students to become academically competent and technically conversant to adapt themselves to any new situation anywhere in India or elsewhere.
To develop the power of clear thinking with an attitude of open-mindedness, to test information and to develop creative scholarship.
To encourage students to accept a sense of civic responsibility as a natural complement to the privileges they enjoyed during their study tenure.