The Assembly Hall
The Assembly Hall was erected in 1940-41 and is equipped with a modern stage. With a seating capacity for about 1,200, it provides accommodation for the general assembly’s of the College, entertainment, lectures and other public functions.
Worship and religious programmes of all kinds in the College shall be in accordance with Christian principles.
Apart from this there is J.D SEELAM SEMINAR HALL with a capacity of 300 .
The Non-Resident Student Centre and the Recreation Hall:
We have a Non-resident Student Centre(Cafeteria) Primarily meant for the day scholars and Recreation Hall, the latter having been raised partly by the student labour.
Poor Students Fund (Student Welfare Fund)
The Poor Student Fund was set up during the academic year 2011 – 12 with a view to alleviate the tuition fee and hostel establishment fee requirements of the poor students of the college.
Student Counseling and Guidance:
The students who have personal problems or difficulties regarding their studies may consult the Committee on student counseling and guidance.
Cash Awards
Several awards have been instituted over the years for the benefit of the students which have been made possible by the contributions of the alumni, stakeholders, philanthropists and members of the teaching faculty.
Jawahar Knowledge Centre
In the College we have Jawahar Knowledge Center. Students from BA, B.Com and B.Sc have been registered for training in Spoken English, Analytical Skills and Computer Training.
Carreer Guidance and Counseling Cell
The college has Career Guidance and Counseling Cell which makes available information about jobs and posts in the public and private sectors and also arrange campus interviews.
Clubs and Associations
The college has several clubs and associations including Career Guidance and Counseling Cell, Woman Anti Ragging & Grievance Cell, Eco-NGC Club, Consumer Club, Red Ribbon Club, Women Empowerment Cell, Literary & Debating Association, Cultural Activities Association, English Club, etc. to provide hands on experience to students about social responsibilities, career opportunities, etc.
Wednesday Assemblies
Wednesday Assemblies are held on the 1st and 4th Wednesdays of every month . The objective of these staff and student gatherings are to teach social and human values, to educate students in areas covering advances in Medicine, Science and technology, importance of Life skills, character building, personality development, etc. Alumni who have distinguished themselves in various occupations are invited to motivate and inspire the students.
NCC (National Cadet Corps):
The NCC training is compulsory for the students during the first and second year of the three year degree course. The students of first and second year degree classes should put in a minimum of 75 percent of attendance on NCC parades to be eligible for promotion to the next higher class. The NCC training is not compulsory for the Intermediate and final years students of the Degree Course.
National Service Scheme
In the College there are two NSS units one for Boys and another for Girls.Our NSS student volunteers participated in various community programs and NSS camps.
Student Christian Movement of India
The College has S.C.M.I. unit. The S.C.M.I unit organizes Spoken English and Communication Skills classes for the students. Several talks on Social Issues were arranged for the benefit of the students.
Andhra Christian College Magazine
The Andhra Christian College Magazine is published under the auspices of the College and is subject to its control. The primary aim of the Magazine is to promote literary self expression among the students and to provide a chronicle of the leading events in the life of the institution. Articles on subjects of academic interest, short stories poems etc. are solicited. Contribution from members of the staff and from former students of the College is welcome.
Department of Research and Extension:
The Department was established in pursuance of one of the recommendations of the Lindsay Commission. Among the things the department aims to do are the following:
To encourage the spirit of enquiry among the members of the staff and assist them as far as the resources of the institution will permit the intensive study of selected problems in their various fields of specialization.
To make available the results of such studies through publication, public lectures etc., as may be found practicable.
The extension work of Department includes lectures by members of the College staff delivered in the College Hall during term time and in various other centres from time to time, social service and welfare work in the Hospital of the town and in the slum areas, adult literacy, rural service etc.
The supervision of religious and moral instruction and the direction of all the religious activities and organisation of the College are committed to this department. The distinctive feature of the College, as set forth in its aims and ideals, is Christian Education. The College is committed to the view that secular training is not enough and it desires to implanting in its students those truths which can inspire men and women to a nobler and purer way of instruction in religion, morals and ethics, to afford facilities for social service, and to public welfare work.
Religious Education programme:
The following syllabus is being tentatively prescribed for Bible/ Moral instruction classes.
The Gospel of Mark as the oldest record of the life, ministry death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Luke presenting the life and work of the Lord Jesus Christ from the standpoint of a physician and historian.
The Gospel of Mathew showing how the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah fulfils the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament.
The Gospel of John, the spiritual interpretation of and significance of the Lord Jesus Christ to satisfy the deepest needs of all men of our time.
Epistle to the Galatians the Doctrine of Grace.
Basic ideals and standards of conduct.
The world’s great moral teachers.
Problems of citizenship.
Moral conduct from the philosophical, religious and social view points.
Modern life problems, individual and social ethics with reference to tendencies of the present.
There will be a conference of Bible teachers at 4-00 p. m. on the last Saturday of each month during the term.
The College Sunday school:
The college Sunday school meets every Sunday morning during the term. All students of the college are cordially invited to attend.
Through these Special Departments the College seeks to supplement the course of instruction required by the University Regulations.
It is the purpose of the Department to offer instruction in Health and to provide appropriate Physical Education and to provide appropriate Physical exercise for all students of the College. The college recognizes the fact that success in College as well as in later life is founded upon good health. Upon admission to the College, each student is required to undergo a physical and medical examination to detect and eliminate any illness. The College Physician examines each student on admission and is available for medical advice and aid as needed.
The Department aims to offer every student an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities regularly to broaden his social contacts with other students and receive the valuable benefits of .ports such as training in leadership, self-discipline, moral unselfishness, and health habits.
The Department encourages class and inter-group contests and all forms of Intra- mural athletics. General control of Intercollegiate athletics is vested in the College Athletic Association. The Association arranges each year a series of games and tournaments, but competition is limited to bonafide College teams. The games include Football, Hockey, Tennis, Baseball, Basket Ball, Badminton, Table tennis, Kabadi and Kho- Kho, and Field sports.
The Department offers the following courses which are required of all students.
1) Health and Hygiene a study of the principles of health promotion and disease prevention. The nature and spread of communicable disease; the hygiene of the individual, instruction in First Aid.
2) Physical Education Activities- The student is given an opportunity to engage in the various types of the physical activities under supervision of the Physical Director.
The Library and Reading Room are accommodated in a newly built Swavely Library Building. The Library contains more than 45,000 volumes and is constantly receiving additions. The books are classified and cataloged according to the Dewy Decimal system. The books are well selected and constitute a good working Library. All students and members of the college staff are permitted to use the Library under the following rules.
Rules of the Library :
Perfect silence should be observed in the Library.
The Library is open from 9 a.m. to 12-30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on all working days. On Saturday the Library is open from 8 a.m. to 12-30 p.m. only. Library remains closed on Sundays and other public holidays.
Books are issued only upon written application signed by the borrower presented along with the borrower’s card. Books applied for before 12 noon will be issued after 3 p. m. on the same day.
Cards for borrowing of the books are issued to members of the staff at the beginning of the year upon application. Borrower’ s cards are issued to students upon presentation of college Identification card. All Borrower’ s cards shall be returned to Library at the end of every academic year.
Borrower’ s cards will be kept in the hands of the owner. In the case of Borrower’ s card being lost a new card will be issued upon payment of Rs.10 but the owner is responsible for all books that may be found to have been drawn on the lost card.
Students will be allowed two books at a time for a period of one week.
Marking on books or writing in them is absolutely forbidden. The Borrower using a book will be held responsible for any defect or mutilation not pointed out at the time of taking the book.
A book lost or mutilated shall be replaced by a new copy of the same book within one month from due date. The acceptance of book once reported as lost is left to the discretion of the librarian.
A book may be renewed for a second period upon presentation to the Library, provided no other application for the book is pending.
All books must be applied for in person. No book will be issued to messengers or peons.
Absence from the College will not relieve a borrower of the responsibility for returning books upon the due date.
Students appearing for the University Examination must return all books borrowed from the Library at least two days before the day announced from the issue of hall tickets.
Books on reference may be consulted in the reading room only, and under no circumstances they may be taken from the Library.
Students are forbidden to take books into places where there is sickness of an infectious nature.
All books without any exception must be returned for the annual stock-taking.
Lecturers will normally be allowed to borrow not more than two books for a period of one month at a time. No book is to be kept beyond the due date unless renewed.
Tutors, demonstrators and special borrowers will be allowed to take not more than five books at a time for two weeks at a time.
Members of the staff should inform the Librarian when they bring guests to the Library.
A fine of twenty five paise for a day per book will be levied for books not returned on due date.
The librarian is authorised to carry out all the provisions of these rules including the fines to be paid to the Fee Collector in the college office.
The Reading Room:
The working hours of the Reading Room are the same as those of the Library.
Magazine and Newspapers may be secured by applying for them at the periodical Desk. They will be charged to the borrower until he personally returns them. In case of loss, the periodical will be replaced at the borrower’ s expense.
Lecturers only have the privilege of taking one correct periodical after 4-30 p.m. to be returned before 10 a.m. the following morning or on Monday morning if taken on Saturday. Only one may be taken at a time and no one having periodicals or books overdue shall, be eligible for the privilege. No illustrated periodical, current, batch number, or bound volume is normally allowed to be taken from the library.
Bound volumes of periodicals, excepting a few which are reserved as reference volumes, are treated as lending books.
Any student marking or cutting any magazine newspaper or book will be liable to fine and may be debarred from the Reading Room.
Silence shall be maintained in the Reading Room. Students who fail to observe this will be liable to a fine.
Reference Section
The working hours of the reference section are the same as that of the Library.
Strict silence should be observed in the reference section and those that study in the reference section should not cause any kind of disturbance to others.
Students are allowed into the reference section only on presenting their borrower’s cards and after signing in the entrance to the reference section.
Books in the reference section will not be issued. Members of the staff may, however write for permission of the principal to borrow reference books on Saturday and return them on the following Monday morning.
Reference books and question papers taken out from the shelves must be left on the reference section after consultation.
Students are prohibited to take any text-book or printed matter along with them except note-books.
Marking or cutting of pages is strictly prohibited.
Any member that violates any of the above rules will be dealt with severely.
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