Mr.V.Ezra Vijaya Sekhar, Executive Secretary, A.C.College Alumni Association Mobile No. 9490934701
The College is proud of having one of the oldest Alumni Association in India. It was founded in 1937 on the initiative of a group of former students, with the object of organizing an annual reunion. The day of the meeting was called the Alumni Day/Alumni Meet. The first meeting was attended by about 350 members, and the proceedings lasted a whole day.
The annual meeting of the College Day Association in December 1963 accepted a new constitution and changed the name of the Association to “Alumni Association:’ Very briefly, the objectives are to promote the social and cultural interests of the alumni, by meetings and publications, and to promote the development of the College.
To foster and perpetuate friendship and cooperation among the alumni through Publications.
Central, regional and local alumni associations.
Small informal group meetings of alumni.
Visits of the members of the faculty and administration of the College to alumni centres.
Maintaining an active alumni headquarters on the College campus.
Organizing reunions on the College campus or other places.
Celebrations in alumni centers.
To further the social, literary and cultural interests of the alumni and alumnae through the publication of articles, through functions and meetings of the associations, and in other ways.
To promote the interests of Andhra Christian College by
Fostering and keeping alive loyalty to the College and a continuing concern for its welfare;
Raising funds and securing gifts for the College for special or general purposes and giving Silver medals to meritorious students in the College sponsored by the Alumni.
Communication with the authorities of the College on matters of mutual interest.
Alumni are encouraged to enroll themselves as registered alumni of the College by sending the following details along with the cheque/demand draft drawn in favour of Executive Secretary, A.C.College Alumni Association, Andhra Christian College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh,South India,522001 and send it to the Same Address. email: and
Class studied: Group: Years of study:
Residential and Official address
Phone No: (with STD code),
E-mail :
Mobile number:
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