About Department




In the history of A.C College, the Anglo vernacular school housed in Gunn compound was upgraded as second grade College in 1885 and affiliated to Madras University. This newly established college offering two-year intermediate course with two optional groups such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and another group is Sanskrit, History, Modern History and logic or Languages.
In March 1926, the college is upgraded as first grade college by introducing B.A Degree with Mathematics History and Philosophy as a group and affiliated to Madras University and in July according to the new Act of Newley formed Andhra University, it is affiliated to Andhra University. In 1927 the subject History with Political sciences constituted as separate department in 1928 Economics was added to the department of history and politics. Then it was called as the Department of Economics, Political science, and History. For the Administrative convenience to maintain the departments in the college chairmanship is created in 1951.
Vision of Economics department:

The vision of the department of Economics is to exploring the economics study and analysis policy framing and implementation issues faced by the economy of Andhra Pradesh as well as the Indian economy along with the analysis of other economies in the world. The department thrives to reach standards of excellence in teaching.

The department of economic recognizes the growing demand for trained manpower in all round development of our States as well as our country. We try to meet this demand in a committed manner and try to provide them quality education.

 Mission of history department:

The departments mission is to prepare students for acquiring applied knowledge of Economics to enhance their employment and Entrepreneurship. our mission is to provide quality instructions to our students to prepare them for successful careers to fight with the growing unemployment problem of Andhra Pradesh and department has been trying to teach the students to take measures.