139 Glorious Years of Service and Excellence  |   NAAC PEER TEAM Visit Video links: Day 1 - Video -1   |   Day 1 - Video -2   |   Day-2 Video link

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Our NAAC Visit Videos

Day 1 (Part 1)

Day 1 (Part 2)

Visit Day 2

Our Management Team


Our History

The origin of the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church (the Management Society of the Andhra Christian College, Guntur), known widely as AELC in Andhra Pradesh's Christian community and across India, dates back to 1842. It began as the American Evangelical Lutheran Mission through the dedicated efforts of Rev. Dr. John Christian Frederick Heyer, the founding father of Lutheran Churches in India. Over time, AELC has grown significantly, encompassing three core missions: medical, educational, and evangelical. Today, it includes six Synods and a myriad of institutions such as hospitals, orphanages, old age homes, schools, the A.L. College of Education, Tarlupadu Lutheran College of Education, Kugler Memorial Physiotherapy Degree College, A.C. College of Law, and more, spread across South India, including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and the Andaman Islands. Read more...
To train and nurture the youth of the country towards empowerment and self-sustainability while inculcating in them values of integrity, sincerity and honesty.
The mission of the institution is to provide holistic and quality education and to inculcate self reliability, empowering them with good character and a strong personality , to foster a spirit of service and patriotism, to instill an abiding sense of respect towards the sacredness of the human personality , to promote gender equality, to motivate and inspire academic excellence, to provide career guidance and counselling and training in skills employing a proper blend of conventional methods of teaching and E-Learning , pre-requisite for employability both in the public and private sectors
The mission of the college is to create a new generation of citizens enabled and empowered to stand on their feet, create opportunities for themselves and capable of turning adversity into opportunity. Instilling self confidence and self reliance among our students by motivating them and encouraging them towards self sustainability is our dream. By inspiring them to follow the Christian ideals of integrity, sincerity and honesty we aim to produce a new generation of students who are above dishonest practices to usher in a corruption free society.
To dispel the darkness of ignorance through dissemination of knowledge to the young men and women of Andhra Pradesh in particular and the country in general.
Spreading knowledge among the superstitious and illiterate masses of the region is the primary aim of the institution. Ignorance is a stumbling block to emancipation and empowerment. It is our objective that education should percolate to the grass root level thus creating a generation of tech savvy individuals confident and capable. It is our aim to strive for the cause of women empowerment by providing equal opportunities to women through co-educational system. The vision of the institution to train men and women to inculcate a spirit of service for the best interest of their fellows and their country. To foster gender equality among the students, thus inspiring them to over come the evil of gender bias.










OUR Milestones


Visiting of NAAC Peer vist in 2007
June 28, 2007

Visiting of Naac Peer Team visit in 2007


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